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Third Thursday Webinar: Supporting Caregivers’ Social-Emotional Health Will Help Infants, Toddlers and Young Children During a Crisis

  • 18 Jun 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
  • WebEx
  • 31


  • If you are a current SCIMHA member, this event is offered at no charge.
  • Through our Professional Development Collaborative SCIMHA is offering Third Thursday Webinars to active Colorado Association of Infant Mental Health (CoAIMH) members.
  • Individuals who are not members of SCIMHA are encouraged to join. Third Thursday webinars are offered at no charge for members.

Registration is closed

 Supporting Caregivers’ Social-Emotional Health Will Help Infants, Toddlers and Young Children During a Crisis

June 18, 2020 12:00pm-1:00


Lucie Maguire, M.S., RDN, CLC

This is a free opportunity for SCIMHA members! 

*Time spent at this event counts toward IMHE® and/or ECMHE® Training  or Renewal requirements.

We recommend consulting the Competency Guidelines associated with your Endorsement® category to confirm.Please contact SCIMHA's Endorsement Coordinator at with any questions.

Upon completion of this training you should be able to: 

  1. Identify the 8 dimensions of well-being.
  2. Explain the concept of resilience and the value to caregiver well-being.
  3. List strategies for supporting social-emotional well-being. 
  4. List strategies for supporting challenging behaviors that may occur due to stress.


Lucie Maguire, M.S., RDN, CLC

After an initial career as a Civil Engineer, Lucie earned a master’s degree in Nutrition from Clemson University, and went on to complete her dietetic residency at MUSC. She has been with the MUSC Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness ever since. As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Lucie spent several years supporting K-12 school-based initiatives designed to improve nutrition and physical activity through policy, systems and environmental changes. Lucie’s interest and advocacy for breastfeeding as a protective factor for childhood obesity created an opportunity for Lucie to support common goals for infant and toddlers. In 2016, she was instrumental in launching the South Carolina Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Designation, for which she continues to manage and improve training, review, and maintenance activities for programs seeking the Designation. In 2017 she earned Certified Lactation Counselor® certification. Her focus on child care has been expanded with SCPITC’s three-year teacher well-being pilot project, Be Well Care Well, which is informed by the K-12 Healthy Schools Checklist and designed to promote and support child care teachers in intentional self-care techniques across eight dimensions of wellness.

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    Charleston, SC 29407

    (833) 472-4642

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