SCIMHA's IECMH Clinical Certificate training experience was created for mental health professionals who diagnose and provide therapeutic treatment services. This 10-month learning collaborative will provide professionals with in-depth training in relationship-based, developmentally appropriate assessments and an introduction to IECMH clinical practice.
Please contact SCIMHA's Clinical Director, Mackenzie Soniak, at with any questions.
Training ScheduleMonth 1: Introduction to IECMH Treatment (3 hours) Aug 2nd, 9am-noon Month 2: Assessment-Working Model of the Child Interview (10 hours) Sept 28th & 29th, 9am-4pm Month 3: Assessment-Crowell Procedure (10 hours) October 12th and 13th, 9am-4pm
Month 4: Formulation & Diagnosis- DC 0-5 (12 hours) November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd 9am-noon
Month 5-9: Overview of IECMH Treatments (3 hours) First Wednesday of the month, 9am-noon & IECMH Case Conference (1 hour) TBD
Month 10: Wrap-up (3 hours) First Wednesday of the month, 9am-noon
Those interested must first apply and have a phone conversation with a SCIMHA staff member before registering. Click here to complete the application:
Please note: You must cancel your spot by noon on Monday, July 31, prior to the start of class or cohort in order to be refunded. All registration fees after the deadline are non-refundable. No exceptions. Also, if you do not complete the offering for any reason, we cannot issue any type of refund.
Contact Us:
1 Carriage Lane, Suite JCharleston, SC 29407
(833) 472-4642
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